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concern [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/kənˈsɜːrn/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/kənˈsɝn/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(kən sûrn) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 concern [sb]⇒ vtr (affect [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 影响 yǐng xiǎng TCTraditional Chinese 影響   SCSimplified Chinese 涉及 yǐng xiǎng,shè jí TCTraditional Chinese 涉及   SCSimplified Chinese 涉及 yǐng xiǎng,shè jí TCTraditional Chinese 涉及  This is an issue that concerns everyone.  这问题会涉及每一个人。 concern [sb] vtr (trouble [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 让...担心   SCSimplified Chinese 让...担忧   SCSimplified Chinese 让...忧虑  His health really concerns me.  我很担心他的健康情况。 concern [sth/sb]⇒ vtr (be about, regarding)SCSimplified Chinese 关于 guān yú  My question concerns your recent statements about foreign policy. The article concerning environmental issues can be found on page 2.  我的问题是关于你近期对于海外政策所发表的言论。那篇关于环境问题的文章被刊载在第2页。 concern [sb/sth]⇒ vtr (involve)SCSimplified Chinese 关...的事   SCSimplified Chinese 涉及 shè jí TCTraditional Chinese 涉及   SCSimplified Chinese 跟...有关  This doesn't concern you.  这不关你的事。 concern n (worry)SCSimplified Chinese 担心 dān xīn TCTraditional Chinese 擔心   SCSimplified Chinese 担忧 dān xīn,dān yōu   SCSimplified Chinese 关心 dān xīn,guān xīn TCTraditional Chinese 關心  Thank you for your concern, but I'm fine.  谢谢你的关心,但我没事。 concern n ([sth] worrying)SCSimplified Chinese 担心的事情   SCSimplified Chinese 忧虑的事情  The gathering storm is a concern for the hikers.  愈演愈烈的风暴是徒步旅行者担心的事情。 concern n (matter of interest)SCSimplified Chinese 重要的事 zhòng yào de shì   SCSimplified Chinese 受人关注的事物 zhòng yào de shì,shòu rén guān zhù de shì wù  This new law is a concern only for companies exporting to countries outside the EU.  仅向欧盟以外国家出口的公司才会关注这部新法。 concern n (affair)SCSimplified Chinese 关心的事 guān xīn de shì TCTraditional Chinese 關心的事   SCSimplified Chinese (与某人有关的)事情 guān xīn de shì,yǔ mǒu rén yǒu guān de shì qíng   SCSimplified Chinese 事务 guān xīn de shì,shì wù TCTraditional Chinese 事務  I'm sorry, but this is not your concern. The main concern of government is keeping order.  抱歉,但这不是你需要关心的事。政府最关心的事是维持社会秩序。 concern n (company)SCSimplified Chinese 公司 gōng sī TCTraditional Chinese 公司   SCSimplified Chinese 企业 gōng sī,qǐ yè TCTraditional Chinese 企業  Brian has started a shipping concern.  布莱恩开始运营航运公司了。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 concern for the environment n (ecology, environmental awareness)SCSimplified Chinese 关心环境 guān xīn huán jìng TCTraditional Chinese 關心環境  Greenpeace tries to raise concern for the environment through dramatic actions. concern yourself with [sth] v expr (worry about)SCSimplified Chinese 对…感到忧虑 duì gǎn dào yōu lǜ   SCSimplified Chinese 担心 duì gǎn dào yōu lǜ,dān xīn TCTraditional Chinese 擔心  I'll buy it for you, so don't concern yourself with the cost. concern yourself with [sth] v expr (be preoccupied with)SCSimplified Chinese 关心 guān xīn TCTraditional Chinese 關心   SCSimplified Chinese 关切 TCTraditional Chinese 關切  It's best not to concern yourself with things you cannot change. going concern n (viable business)SCSimplified Chinese 兴旺发达的公司 xīng wàng fā dá de gōng sī  The business had been taken over as a going concern. growing concern n (cause of worry)SCSimplified Chinese 日益关注的问题  The safety of the environment is a growing concern these days. matter of concern n ([sth] worrying)SCSimplified Chinese 关心的事 guān xīn de shì TCTraditional Chinese 關心的事  The meningitis outbreak is a matter of concern for health officials. To whom it may concern expr formal, written (salutation in a letter) (信件)SCSimplified Chinese 敬启者 TCTraditional Chinese 敬啟者   (信件)SCSimplified Chinese 致有关人士,给有关人士  To whom it may concern, I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with my recent visit to your restaurant.  敬启者,我写信是为了表达我对最近去你们餐厅的不满。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: concern [kənˈsəːn] I n 1 [u] (=anxiety) 担(擔)忧(憂) dānyōu There is no cause for concern.没(沒)必要担(擔)忧(憂)。 Méi bìyào dānyōu. 2 [c] (=cause of anxiety) 关(關)切的事 guānqiè de shì [件 jiàn] Unemployment was the electorate's main concern.失业(業)是选(選)民们(們)最关(關)切的问(問)题(題)。 Shīyè shì xuǎnmínmen zuì guānqiè de wèntí. 3 [u/s] (=care) 关(關)心 guānxīn 4 [s] (=affair) 事务(務) shìwù That's your concern.那是你的事。 Nà shì nǐ de shì. 5 [c] (=firm) 公司 gōngsī [个 gè] It's a family concern.这(這)是个(個)家族公司。 Zhè shì gè jiāzú gōngsī. II vt 1 (=worry) 使担(擔)忧(憂) shǐ dānyōu One of the things that concerns me is the rise in vandalism.令我担(擔)忧(憂)的问(問)题(題)之一是蓄意破坏(壞)案件的上升。 Lìng wǒ dānyōu de wèntí zhī yī shì xùyì pòhuài ànjiàn de shàngshēng. 2 (=be about) 关(關)于(於) guānyú The book concerns two middle-aged men.这(這)本书(書)是有关(關)两(兩)位中年男性的。 Zhè běn shū shì yǒuguān liǎng wèi zhōngnián nánxìng de. 3 (=involve) 关(關)系(係)到 guānxì dào That doesn't concern you.这(這)跟你没(沒)关(關)系(係)。 Zhè gēn nǐ méi guānxì. that's none of your concern 这(這)不关(關)你事儿(兒) zhè bù guān nǐ shìr concern for sb 为(為)某人担(擔)心 wèi mǒurén dānxīn it concerns me that…令我担(擔)心的是… lìng wǒ dānxīn de shì… to concern o.s. with关(關)心 guānxīn as far as I'm concerned据(據)我看来(來) jù wǒ kànlái as far as his career is concerned就他的事业(業)来(來)说(說) jiù tā de shìyè lái shuō "to whom it may concern""致有关(關)人士" "zhì yǒuguān rénshì" the people concerned (=in question) 有关(關)人士 yǒuguān rénshì [位 wèi] (=involved) 相关(關)人士 xiāngguān rénshì [位 wèi] 在这些条目还发现'concern': 在英文解释里: affair - alas - anxiety - attentively - breezily - care - carelessly - carelessness - caring - casually - complacency - concerning - couldn't-give-a-damn attitude - crosscutting - ecology - environmental awareness - environmentalism - fuss - fussing - greenwash - have to do with - hmm - impersonality - indifference - indifference to - interest - look after - lookout - matter - mind your own business - no biggie - none of sb's business - none of your business - nothing to do with - on your mind - pedantry - preoccupation - preoccupy - refer - regard - self-interest - self-interested - self-obsession - self-regard - selflessness - take an interest - threatening - touch - united - universalism 中文: 顾虑 - 忧 - 惦 - 涉及 - 隐患 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Facial expressions, English Vocabulary, 更多……同义词: worry, anxiety, distress, fear, unease, 更多……习惯性搭配: [this, it] doesn't concern you, [growing, mounting, increasing] concern about, the new [show, episode, report, interview] concerns, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'concern' 的论坛讨论:

Thank you for your concern. ...expressed his concern about/with/over...? - English Only forum 'concern to' or 'concern of' - English Only forum 'concern' her with our problems - English Only forum 'To Whom It May Concern' - English Only forum (a) concern that - English Only forum 44% expressed concern about the spread of the virus - English Only forum a cause for concern - English Only forum a concern lest it should in some way injure us - English Only forum a concern or concern? the matter or matters? - English Only forum a concern that the spotlight - English Only forum a concern vs an issue - English Only forum a going concern - English Only forum a going concern - English Only forum a limiting sense of concern - English Only forum a major concern - English Only forum a major concern for me - English Only forum a matter / matters of great concern - English Only forum a matter of great concern - English Only forum a matter of great - English Only forum a question is intended as concern - English Only forum a quick question about the use of "concern" - English Only forum a recurrent and habitual concern - English Only forum a second concern - English Only forum a tender sort of concern. - English Only forum Ability is your first concern - English Only forum air of concern - English Only forum all thought of her natural reserve lost in her overpowering excitement and concern - English Only forum amused concern and rhino face - English Only forum an Editorial Expression of Concern - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'concern'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "concern" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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